Japanese Kit Kat: Variety Party Box 2023 (70 Pieces, 18 Flavors)
Did you know Japan is home to over 300 unique Kit Kat flavors? This colorful box is filled with 70 Japanese Kit Kats in 18 of the country's top flavors. Explore tastes like matcha, hojicha, strawberry cheesecake, and Japanese sake, in Kit Kat form! From Japan's iconic national flavors to ones you can only find in specific Japanese regions, this tasting set will absolutely wow you with the incredible variety of Japanese Kit Kats.
Flavor Assortment
- Kit Kat Chocolate x 5
- Kit Kat Otona no Amasa Dark Chocolate x 5
- Kit Kat Otona no Amasa Dark Matcha x 5
- Kit Kat Whole Grain Biscuit x 5
- Kit Kat Otona no Amasa Strawberry x 5
- Kit Kat Chocolate Orange x 5
- Kit Kat Milk Tea x 5
- Kit Kat Wasabi x 3
- Kit Kat Shinshu Apple x 3
- Kit Kat Amaou Strawberry x 3
- Kit Kat Itokyuemon Uji Matcha x 3
- Kit Kat Itokyuemon Uji Hojicha x 3
- Kit Kat Tokyo Island Lemon x 3
- Kit Kat Strawberry Cheesecake x 3
- Kit Kat Azuki Sandwich x 3
- Kit Kat Momiji Manju x 3
- Kit Kat Japanese Sake x 3
- Kit Kat For Cafe x 5
Please Note: If temperatures in your location are above 28°C (82°F), this chocolate product may get heat damaged in transit. We cannot be held responsible for any temperature-related damages caused during shipping.
Important: Best-By Date is September 30, 2024